The Centre reopened on Monday 19th April 2021 following newly introduced restrictions.

It is somewhat of an understatement to say that the last year has been particularly difficult for the Centre. When we were able to reopen briefly, in September, it was obvious to all that the experience of Lockdown and isolation had affected everyone. The new routines and procedures introduced to make the Centre as safe as possible, although very different, were willingly adhered to by students and staff because they meant we could all be together again.

Being back in familiar surroundings doing what they enjoy with their friends gave them an important focus in their lives as gradually, life at the Centre returned to 'near normal'. We fully intend to continue this experience having now reopened.

“We are a Covid secure establishment which offers educational sessions and not social gatherings. We are able to continue as planned with all risk mitigations in place including bubbles, social distancing and cleaning”